

Yoga provides an opportunity to practice being

The song of love is living intelligence of love that is finally conscious of itself as oneself.


Yanti has an unique ability to encourage and inspire her students. I started yoga with my friend Parm with some hesitancy. Before long we were feeling confident to move through each asana with her disciplined yet gentle guidance. Yanti creates an environment which allowed us to move at our own pace while at the same time encouraging us to move towards further development. As Pam said to me, “ I can’t believe how quickly I’ve gained confidence and strength!” Yanti epitomizes the union of mind-body-spirit. Thank you Yanti for showing us the way.

Lori La Rose,

Victoria, BC.

This ancient practice based on Indian scriptures that evokes the embodiment of

mind-body-spirit is an individual experience but where it takes us is where we have always been; home. How we express ourselves in the asanas is unique to our essential nature. Yoga lifts the veils to reveal something that’s un-changing, our authentic being.

Yanti’s style of teaching is to create this space that encourages the essence of yoga. She is well grounded in anatomy, alignment, instilling awareness through movement and the energetic system of the body. Her understanding that yoga is multi-dimensional allows her to personalize a yoga session by being able to see where imbalances may occur and honor any physical limitations.

Yanti’s traditional approach to yoga is working from the ground up and creating stability in the poses. She advocates; “ a strong foundation will be give you freedom “  Yanti’s continually evolving yoga practice of over 20 years gave her insight as to how to practice yoga safely and with more ease of movement. The fundamentals of joint stabilization, core strength and alignment principles that begins with the heart are some of the aspects you will experience in her classes or private sessions. If she encouraged you to find that inner stillness through breath, then that’s all it takes to realize the goal of yoga.

“ I offer an integrative approach without losing the traditional aspects of yoga.”

Sensory-awareness allows your nervous system to process this information for optimal alignment and with heightened sensitivity. Yoga is seeing things coming from you not coming at you . The mind and body must communicate with one another; rather than one simply acting upon the other. An insightful fundamental such as this offers space to release holding tension and allows movement with ease that naturally aligns with gravity. “ I’m not looking for how far into the pose you can go but how easy you can move. “ We can self-heal by bringing our breath and awareness to those areas that lack mobility and prana (energy) in our yoga practice.

Yanti studied Classical Hatha Yoga from the Sivananda Ashram in Bahamas. She had extended her studies in Anusara Yoga™, Feldenkrais and Pilates. In addition, her knowledge in traditional Shiatsu Therapy, and therapeutic bodywork, is well rounded bringing an evolved and integrated approach towards well-being and presence. She has been teaching yoga for 15 years. Currently she is primarily offering Private Yoga Sessions, Skype Yoga, Yoga for Releasing the Emotions, Zen Yoga Massage™ workshops. Some of the private sessions may be enhanced with Zen Yoga Massage™.

Yanti is an Experienced Registered Yoga Teacher with Yoga Alliance.

Private Yoga Descriptions

Private or semi-private sessions are designed for the individual(s). Instead of modifications made for you in a class, the session is personalized for you.

Some private sessions can be enhanced with Zen Yoga Massage™.

Try Skype Yoga in the convenience of your location outside of Vancouver or on a business trip. For more information scroll down.


This heart filled class inspires graceful movement from one yoga pose to another with the dance of prana.  Learn to practice yoga safely and feel freedom in the poses by stabilizing the joints, and aligning with structural integrity. This begins with a vinyasa flow. Be prepared for a challenging class using strength and balance.


Invigorating and challenging yoga asanas that require mindful balance. Mula bhanda (core integration) are initiated prior to targeting strength in the abdominal, hip stabilizers and back. Feel  grounded with an inner reservoir of strength. Great for people who need to  strengthen their back and core.


( breathing exercises to detoxify & calm the mind):

This class is perfect for beginners and for people with active bodies and active minds. Enjoy the sensations of gentle body movements involving body awareness.  The class will end with pranayama and meditation.


Do-in is a japanese word translating self-help techniques and movement for well-being. Various self- help modalities with clear instruction will be offered in this class. Modalities such as trager, somatics, applying self-acupressure with balls, giving yourself myofacial release with a fitball, isometric actions including self-sotai to release held tension in the body. This class will start with sivasana (relaxation pose) before and after to gain sensory-awareness for neuromuscular re-education.

This is a very useful class that will teach you how to heal yourself.


Yoga Qi Flow is a slow vinyasa of yoga asanas to stretch or stimulate the energetic function of corresponding meridians associated with Traditional Chinese Medicine. The order of asanas are set in a sequence that correlate to the directional meridian qi flow. It is a mindful practice to sense imbalances by stiffness, ease or hyper-mobility in particular meridians. The first 2 Extra channels will proceed the 12 Primary Meridians. A regular practice of Yoga QI Flow can enhance the meridian qi flow and harmonize the energetic system of the body.

For more information on Traditional Chinese Medicine.


Receive personalized yoga instruction for your body type in the privacy and convenience of your own home or hotel room while you are on a business trip.

All you need is a yoga mat, yoga strap, yoga block, web camera (if you don’t have one attached to your computer) and an internet connection.

Click here to download Skype and create a Skype Name

Email me your Skype name and appointment time inquiry. I will confirm time of appointment and request to add you as my contact. Please verify and we can start Skype Yoga after you pre-paid the session via PayPal or email transfer.


List of Services & Rates
