Shiatsu Massage Therapy


Yanti has been a Therapist for 20 years and a Yoga Instructor for 10 years. She diligently practiced Traditional Shiatsu Therapy primarily for 10 years while integrating the Sotai Method with good results until it only seemed logical to incorporate healing modalities that reach the easiest path of efficacy. The proceeding 10 years, her evolving practice encompassed an integration of modalities that lead to this contemporary approach to Shiatsu Massage Therapy.

Acknowledging the body’s innate intelligence and memory, her therapeutic approach is to simply ask and listen. Facilitating light touch with the intention of being directed (rather than directing) can allow entry to facial un-winding  and release. The process of developing acute sensory perception is secondary while inquiry is primary and self-healing is thereby expedited. It is when this therapeutic approach is introduced then sotai, communication-manipulation, passive stretching, acupressure, and Craniosacral therapy further enhances holding tension release, meridian qi flow, cerebral spinal fluid -flow and neuromuscular re-education.

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At best, therapeutic benefits of self-healing and repair can be achieved when the least invasive therapy or modality is chosen.“  

Yanti Mangunatmodjo

What is Shiatsu Therapy?

Shiatsu is a japanese healing art based on the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine. It is often described as acupressure (acupuncture without needles). Appropriate pressure is applied with the fingers, palms, elbows, and sometimes the knees. Pain is alleviated by dispersing excess energy and tonifying energy deficiency. The balance of Yin/Yang principles are applied in this manner. As all phenomena contains the cool and warm, dark and light elements, our bodies maintain a balance of these opposites for optimal health.

Namakoshi developed a style of Shiatsu involving mainly applying several acupressure points on the body. Masunaga developed a zen style of Shiatsu, incorporating pressure along the points of the meridians and enhancing this technique with meridian stretches. Yanti’s sessions incorporates both styles.

Traditional Shiatsu Therapy is normally provided on the floor with the receiver wearing yoga atire since no oils are used. Depending on your needs, if you book a Zen Yoga Massage™ package with a private yoga session, then this session will take place comfortably on the floor.

Contemporary Shiatsu Therapy is often provided on a table which can still give efficient results. Yanti will provide a Shiatsu Massage Therapy session on a table.

How Does a Shiatsu Therapy feel like during and after a session?

Our first experience of receiving bodywork and massage is of huge benefit because it is the beginning of a journey involving body, spirit and emotional awareness. Awareness of how we hold tension and emotions in our body is initially felt on both a superficial and deep level. We begin to learn how we can let go of held tension. Shiatsu works in this same way. However; the experience may differ than Swedish Massage. Pressure is applied directly and can be felt as a relief from pain, good pain and sometimes tender pain. At times, deep relaxation can be experienced shortly after the session begins. The passive stretching can further enhance the great sensations of acupressure by sensing a release in a particular area of the body and more ease of movement. Receiving acupressure can be adjusted to your preference, whether it is deep, medium, or light pressure. Often people who are ticklish and encounter an achy body will prefer acupressure. When we feel tired, Shiatsu is the best massage for enhanced energy levels, increased productivity and clarity.

Traditional Chinese Medicine perceives pain as a positive experience. If we are not aware of the pain, we cannot address the issue. Once there is pain, we can begin to address it. Contrary to the western way of thinking. If one were to feel a significant amount of tender pain in particular points during a Shiatsu Therapy session, the pain would eventually subside after a succession of one to five sessions.

After a Shiatsu session most people expressed a feeling of increased energy and being in a state of relaxation. It is like the great sensation that one feels after an amazing yoga class. Depending on the individual, the pain would subside for a week or longer. A healthy lifestyle using preventative measures ensures optimal wellness.

Benefits of Shiatsu Therapy

  1. *Back Pain

  2. *Sciatica

  3. *Neck Pain

  4. *Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

  5. *Head aches

  6. *Plantar Fasciitis

  7. *Fatigue

  8. *Scoliosis

  9. *Tennis elbow

  1. *Premenstrual  Syndrome

*  Premenstrual Pain

  1. *Pre & post-natal back pain

  2. *Sacral Iliac/hip imbalances

  3. *Arthritis

  4. *Constipation

  5. *Shoulder pain

  6. *Rotator cuff injuries

  7. *Decreased range of motion

A Contemporary Approach to Traditional Shiatsu Therapy